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Jasmine is a total player/hoe. She seems genuinely kind and caring, but that's just because she's bored and wants to see if she can break your heart. Once she loses interest, she will throw you to the curb. She is hot and dangerous.

Guy1: Omg Jasmine just texted me
Guy2: Be careful man, she's toxic

by dwight_shrute April 2, 2019

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-An extremely idiotic person.
-A person who can't understand, even the most simple things.
-A person who's at 40 yrs of age but has a mind of a 4-yr old.

My 6 yr old niece is smarter than her. She's a Jasmine.

by lilcato77 November 14, 2019

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Jasmine is the most beautiful person you'll ever meet. She has the most precious personality and creativity. She puts others above herself and most trustworthy, truthful and kind person. Boys named Jack, Jesse, Hayden, Jason you have a better chance having a nice relationship with a Jasmine. She is a brave soul, hobbies are wrestling, Dancing, singing and gymnastics.

I love jasmine

by By: Jasmine February 18, 2019

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She's a sexy ass girl who tends to like guys older than her. Her laugh concerns everyone, and attracts her own kind, pigs. She's multiple different colours. Mostly into blondes (mormons are her favorite) and has a leg fetish. Jasmine makes all the boys stare at the ground as they look away in shyness, due to her striking confidence.

Boy 1: "Is that Jasmine?!"
Boy 2: *immediately stares at the floor*

by jasmine's bitch July 13, 2020

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Jasmine is an extremely nice person. She's the type of girl to text you when you're down, and send you a picture of a Puppy. She will most likely want to date a Josh, Tom, Richard, or a Cameron so look out for her roughish smile, boys!
She says she's ugly but really she's just plain. Her smile will light up a room though.
You have to constantly give her attention and compliments, or she starts to doubt herself.

Person 1: omg who's that, she's begging for attention from Richard!
Person 2: No, that's just because she likes him. She's usually quite shy and not very talkative.

P1: Omg her smile is so pretty! Who's that?
P2: That's jasmine, she's really funny and nice.

by Thememeskeepcoming July 9, 2019

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Jasmine is one of the most beautiful people in the world. She has a incredible sense of humor.She is really one of the funniest people you will ever meet. She is always their for you no matter what. Once you know one make sure that they become youโ€™er friend.She has incredible fashion taste every one looks to her for inspiration. Every thought she has lots of friends she will always know who her true friends are. She is really active in sports.She probably does stuff like dance or gymnastics or cheerleading something like that. She loves food thatโ€™s one of her favorite things. Even though she might not be clear about who she likes all the guys have big crush on her.

Boy: Hey do you know Jasmine can I get her number.
Girl: No you canโ€™t because sheโ€™s too good for you!
Boy: Why?
Girl: I canโ€™t let my best friend be with just anybody.

by Dojobro April 24, 2019

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Hey whatโ€™s that brown thing over there?

Oh. Thatโ€™s just Jasmine looking greasy as hell.

by GREASY BROWN POTATO July 24, 2018

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