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logical positivism

Something really stupid and anoying they make you learn in Communication Studies graduate programs even though you're a rhetorician and couldn't really give a rat's ass.

Logical positivism asserts that only statements about empirical observations are meaningful, effectively asserting that all metaphysical statements are meaningless. Unfortunately, this fundamental tenet of logical positivism belongs to the family of statements that it asserts to be meaningless. As a result, the entire edifice of logical positivism vanishes in a puff of logic. This insight appears not to have occurred to the logical positivist school of philosophers.

by Jon Hoffman September 11, 2005

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Finn logic

Something that in itself nearly makes sense, but is somehow explained or applied in an idiotic way.

"He meant well, but he didn't get what was stupid about his idea." "Sounds like Finn logic."

by Thespicetrader October 25, 2011

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pokémon logic

Pokémon logic is everything that make sense in the Pokémon Universe.

Person 1: How can Gastly use Ice Punch?

Person 2: That's Pokémon logic, dude.

by Multiverseguy11 February 25, 2016

Cartoon logic

Logic based on fallacies that cannot be backed up by actual evidence. Like building a fire underwater, their logic is flawed and childish

“Hey did you know that I’ve gotten straight A’s throughout high school, so know I’m definitely going to get a scholarship”

Shut up you weirdo book worm. You have cartoon logic. No college wants a nerd who plays no sports.

by spicy mayo August 23, 2020

Cartoon Logic

AKA Cartoon Physics.

A law in cartoons that states that if something impossible would be amusing if it actually happened, then it will happen.

That's not the entire rule, either; see below.

The full definition of Cartoon Logic is as follows:

*Should the character be able to do this?

> Yes No

*Would it be funny if they couldn't?

> Yes No

*They can't do it.


*Should the character be able to do this?

Yes > No

*Would it be funny if they could?

> Yes No

*They can do it.


*Should the character be able to do this?

> Yes No

*Would it be funny if they couldn't?

Yes > No

*They can do it.


*Should the character be able to do this?

Yes > No

*Would it be funny if they could?

Yes > No
*They can't do it.

by Someone who kinda exists June 6, 2021

Cow Logic

Of no logical sense and/or reasoning.

People refer to Cow Logic as the utter non sense spoken by "cow". This bitch thinks he can make a cursor controlled mod menu in CFG. CFG has no logic but he says he makes his own "cow logic"

Cow is an illogical derp.

Person 1:Wow, did you see my scores on my Math Final
Person 2: Yeah, must have been using cow logic LOL
Person 3: LOL WRECKED.

by JewHatesCow October 28, 2011

Cat logic

A phenemenon where cats do something that seems weird to us but somehow makes sense to them

John: Why is your cat sitting on my pizza??
Jack: I don't know man, its a cat logic thing.

by Catloafer March 30, 2023