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Beaner Mafia

Junior mafia for Beaners

Tom: “what’s beaner mafia?”

Jose: “a junior mafia for beaners you cracker”

by Beanerbois December 14, 2018


The Ones Of The Highest Order. Just Like A Bill Our Face Can Change But Our Value Is Never Taken Away. It Is A New Time. Hermit Mafia Must Prosper.

HERMIT MAFIA changed my life for the better.

by Elotez December 8, 2021

casual mafia

the coolest band ever with deion hayes on vocals and andrew coolidge guitar- there music moves me and makes me feel things i never dreamed of look them up :) there from shiprock new mexico

dang i wana listen to that one banana song by casual mafia on youtube.com !

by the bomb yo October 11, 2013

Ballajura Mafia

Ballajura Mafia are a bunch of dumb fucks that do nothing just terrorise and mob random people who have nothing to do with their group,often reffered as "balla mafia" they are just a whole load of ballajura junkies who hang around in parks looking to find other gangs to mob,often getting kicked out of the galleria shopping centre and climbing into the south ballajura community centre

oi fuck off cunt ill get the ballajura mafia on you cunt

by Ballajura Junkie February 20, 2018

perry mafia

the perry mafia is consisted of the langston/levrrete family.
called because of so many members of the langston family living in perry,georgia.they are well known in southern and parts of northern georgia.
(it's actually sort of like an inside joke in georgia around the perry,warner robins,and centerville area)
the levrretes are a part but are mostly a madien last name.

ekl or any of the other langstons that live in perry are the perry mafia.lol.

by elissa dollface June 25, 2008

water mafia

super cool mafia that takes away your color fuck you stephen

the water mafia will take away stephen’s color

by watermafia February 25, 2019

work for the mafia

an elegant way of excusing yourself from present company to go take a shit.

"excuse me for a moment, i must go work for the mafia"

by cin- May 6, 2014