-modern, Bahamian slang for "cause a scene"
" Muh-bey, she ain wan me come down there and cut movie bey. "
last nights dream that makes you extremely joyful because of its beauty and quite sad because it was just a brain-movie
"it was the sweetest, the most tender and heart-warming b-movie ever"
HeXeN /// is a great comedy starring Sharlto Copley as Daedolon, Cassandra Lynn as Marlene, and Gary Coleman as Gary. In it, Daedolon, some Duke Nukem type guy, goes postal on Johannesburg, with the help of his Uncle Brad (Brad Pitt), Marlene, and Gary. Neill Blomkamp, the coolest guy in Souf Afrika, shoots John Carmack in the balls. Daedolon and Marlene then go postal, then at the end, they hear that South Africa has blamed the shootings on India and the US, and will destroy them with nukular force. The US, in retaliation, has sent missiles out to Afrika, which are expected to hit in 2 minutes.
I just saw HeXeN ///: The Movie today. It was fokken lekker!
Movie, book, whatever, in which one guy battles massive piles of villains or weapons to get to the goal. Pretty obvious where the image came from.
"Superhero flicks are such sperm movies."
Any short to feature length film that one can easily walk away from for a few minutes at a time and get the jist of the characteristics (i.e. characters, editing, angles, story).
Tricia had a night planned that must've been the envy of all her friends...last night before taxes; laundry movie and some wine... they'd have to be jealous.
When after watching a movie, particularly a scary one. you will think about how scary the movie was or the scary Parts of the movie
Symptoms include paranoia, afraid to go sleep, feeling like your hearing sounds, all the lights on in the house, not wanting to be alone especially at night. Usually last about a week or until the person has gotten over the movie
Girl why you got all the lights on in the house ?
Because there might be a ghost in the dark
Girl you got movie lag
Also called "YouTube film", a type of feature-length film that is originally distributed for free to the video platform YouTube, as opposed to releasing films theatrically.
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