Source Code

pointe shoe

a shoe that hurts used in ballet that has a platform for the toe so a woman can go en pointe

most pointe dancers have been dancing a good portion

That girl lives at her dance studio... must be en pointe.


those pointe shoes look painful but it looks like theyre floating

by phoebeee December 23, 2006

51๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Five Points

A rough run down, area in Denver, used to be refered to as the "Harlem of the West" because of it was home to one of the largest African American population bases west of the Mississippi. It was originally a very safe and calm area where a lot of the days Jazz players and Blues musicians would stay going to the west coast, eventually the neighboorhood gave way to urban decay and neglect and became a drug and crime infested area during the 70s, 80s and early 90s. The Black Mayor Wellington Webb who was dubbed as "The Mayor of Five Points" made it his mission to clean up the nieghboorhood during the 90s and for the most part was sucsessful. More mexicans and white people have moved in but it still isn't a place you would want to just roam around in.

John - "Yea some sick bastard killed a toddler in Five Points"

Marvin - "Man Five Points stay loosing"

by Marvin 2 August 10, 2008

44๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hoe Points

The hoe point system is a way of calculating how much of a "hoe" a person is based on the number of people they have hooked up with. You can earn anywhere between 1 and 5 hoe points with any person based on what exactly you have done with them.

1 points is earned if you have kissed a person on the lips or made out with them.
2 points are earned for caressing the person genitals with your hands (or feet, if you do not have hands).
3 points are earned for oral sex.
4 points are earned for sexual intercourse.
5 points are earned for anal sex. (unless it's between two males. Then it's just 4 points because that's the only way it can happen.)

The amount of points you receive for each person is the highest point amount that you and them have partaken in. For example, If sally and I made out, and then she gave me a blow job afterward in the parking lot of Walmart, I would only have 3 points because they do not add up, even if I had returned the favor, It would still just be 3 points. Also, had we met up again the next weekend and hooked up again, no more points would be added because hoe points are specific to each person, not to each time you hook up.

The best way to keep track of your hoe points is to list every person you have hooked up with in your lifetime in chronological order and to what extent and then total up the points.

Let's say I hooked up with all these people:

Ashley (made out on multiple occasions): 1pt
Katie (made out once): 1pt
Erin (ohhh you touch my tralala): 2pts
Sarah (You took my virginity and then cheated on me. You slut): 4pts
Stephanie (drunken hookups count too): 1pt

By adding up these points, I would have a total of 9 hoe points.

by Sneaky Pirate June 30, 2010

36๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Exclamation Point

A fart at the end of a good, long piss.

pppppppssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ... pfft
Exclamation point!

by Seidcar July 27, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pratchett Point

When you realize that staying at your day job causes you to make less money than if you quit.

Coined by Randall Munroe, of xkcd fame, regarding such a realization by Terry Pratchett.

Terry Pratchett quit his job as a press officer for the Central Electricity Generating Board when he reached his Pratchett Point with writing full time.

by Jewbot9000 August 8, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Exclamation Point

A chicks vag and asshole combination package makes an exclamation point (!). Notice the line (vag) and dot (anus) and separation of the two entities (taint).

Lay down and show me your exclamation point.

by DB256 December 2, 2010

43๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

G Points

Gangster points; upon ascertaining a certain number of G points one can classify themselves as a G or Gangsta

The number of loosie spots a nigga is able to get served in adds to ones g points..ie yo that nigga traapa get served in all dem loosie spots he a OG nahmsayin

by YOUNG_TRAPPA March 15, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž