2000 assloads
Just because you were at Costco doesn’t mean we need a fukin ass-ton of toothpicks. These toothpicks will outlast me you stupid fuck-ass. Ass-fuck. You think I work all week for some muthafukin toothpicks?
Usually in reference to extremely obese women who have to go everywhere on mobility scooters
person 1: hey look over there at that fat lady
person 2: oh jeez bud thats Two Ton Tanya right there!
A slang used to describe large amounts of ejaculate.
James: " Would you look at the floor!"
John: " Well that's a shit ton of cum."
A surplus of any items needed for a particular occasion.
Fern: Do I need to bring a Dutch or some beer for tonight?
Me: Nah son, I got tons of guns.
That's like a lot.
To tell someone, "I love you an elephant dumptruck shit ton." Response: "That's like a lot."
someone who does mental things, someone who is a "Denil Ton" means they have 0 clue of how to act in public and they sometimes don't even know how to tie their own shoelaces. In summary, a retarded person.
Look at that idiot, His name is probably "Denil Ton"
a dirty ton ton is someone who does nasty things with plus sized people
did you see the girls mitchell has been with lately hes a dirty ton ton