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2000 assloads

Just because you were at Costco doesn’t mean we need a fukin ass-ton of toothpicks. These toothpicks will outlast me you stupid fuck-ass. Ass-fuck. You think I work all week for some muthafukin toothpicks?

by Weinsist June 29, 2018

Two Ton Tanya

Usually in reference to extremely obese women who have to go everywhere on mobility scooters

person 1: hey look over there at that fat lady
person 2: oh jeez bud thats Two Ton Tanya right there!

by harry cockswallower February 9, 2023

A shit ton of cum

A slang used to describe large amounts of ejaculate.

James: " Would you look at the floor!"

John: " Well that's a shit ton of cum."

by AnnonDomminiDO819 November 19, 2023

Tons of guns

A surplus of any items needed for a particular occasion.

Fern: Do I need to bring a Dutch or some beer for tonight?

Me: Nah son, I got tons of guns.

by Saint Mantooth December 12, 2017

elephant dumptruck shit ton

That's like a lot.

To tell someone, "I love you an elephant dumptruck shit ton." Response: "That's like a lot."

by ColoBrooke February 6, 2016

Denil Ton

someone who does mental things, someone who is a "Denil Ton" means they have 0 clue of how to act in public and they sometimes don't even know how to tie their own shoelaces. In summary, a retarded person.

Look at that idiot, His name is probably "Denil Ton"

by September 14, 2022

dirty ton ton

a dirty ton ton is someone who does nasty things with plus sized people

did you see the girls mitchell has been with lately hes a dirty ton ton

by thedirtydog December 1, 2022