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trip to bosnia

a trip to bosnia means you have committed multiple war crimes

my english teacher after reading about my trip to bosnia

by cock and bill torture June 25, 2022

Trip jog

The act of speeding up for a few seconds as soon as you trip in the street, so as to mask the moment from your fellow pedestrians. They will assume you stopped a few hundred metres back to tie your shoelace, and needed to get back on schedule.

Oh, look, that guy's started running. Is there an ice cream van -- oh, he's done already. Must have been trip jogging.

by DonaldMiller October 5, 2009

mullet trip

Adding pleasure/vacation time to the end of a business trip.

Inspired by the popular tag for the "mullet" hair style, which has short hair on the front and long on the back: "Business on the front, party in the back"

"I have to go to Malaysia, but I am turning it into a mullet trip with an extra week in Thailand. Business on the front end, party on the back, man!"

by Daniel McDoom July 29, 2008


When your friend tries to force you to see the same hallucination as him but you are seeing something different

Guy 1: Dude can you see my hand melting !

Guy 2 : stop Trip-raping me ! I'm seeing my own shit right now !

by Dannynex April 26, 2019


A person who always wants to search something new and for which he roams everywhere

Columbus was a kind of trip-ish

by Ultim@te December 28, 2013

free trip

a psychedelic flashback involving visuals, audio and percetual distortion, and sudden change of consciousness

I used to eat a lot of acid back in the day..rarely now, but I still get a free trip now and then.

by Gormr February 8, 2009

Goop Trip

When you trip balls with Gwenyth Paltrow and her friends on organic psychedelics while holding weighted jade eggs inside your yoni which you have been strengthening with kegel exercises in preparation. A play on "group trip", named after Gwens company Goop.

"I'm so excited about the Goop trip this weekend!"

"Dude, you mean group trip right?"

"Nah man I mean Goop trip. Don't forget your yoni egg!"

by Murmurmaid January 24, 2019