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Christopher Walking

A man from Brooklyn with a strong accent, who is walking here. Created by Cory Crater OC don’t steal.

β€œI’m walking here!” -Christopher Walking

by HyperMadsox August 31, 2018

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Walk into the light

Drop dead, die, cease to live. Used in a derogatory way directed at someone you don't like.

You're such a douche bag, why don't you just walk into the light already!

by Chipf70 September 15, 2012

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Jaw Walk

The action you perform with your mouth when making the journey from a woman’s nipples to her pubic hair. When performing an official Jaw Walk, you hold your breath between the nipples and pubic hair. A topic of debate is whether an official Jaw Walk has ever been successfully performed.

ChirstmasQ: β€œUhleesha, has Lindypants ever performed a Jaw Walk on you?”
Uhleesha: β€œNot sure, you’d have to ask him”
ChristmasQ: β€œI think you would remember”

by ChristmasQ December 17, 2010

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(verb) When you decide to yourself "aw f**k the man, I'm going to smoke a joint and take a nice long stroll." If you go on such an outing, it is advised to go sometime during the odd hours of the night/early morning when no one is around. This of course insures the full enjoyment of set stroll without the needless worry of attracting any unwanted attention.

After a long day of classes, papers, and general BS, I decided that it was time to go jay~walking. At around 3 AM, I set out to find my campus had turned into a complete ghost town. As I strode along uninterrupted I was able to take in everything around me without the fear of being apprehended by any pestering bystanders or worse, the authorities.

by crazykidcarlson91 April 27, 2011

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walk the track

The act of walking up and down a designated street, boulevard or avenue by a prostitute; in order to be seen, noticed and catch the attention of prospective customers.
Also, Circle the block

A pimp usually brings his girl to the same spot, regularly, to walk the track.

After he puts her on the track, he will usually remain "out of sight" and anonymous, while close enough to watch over his interests.

She will work only in this area, walking around and around the same block until she is propositioned by an interested, potential client.

She may get into a customer's vehicle and drive with him to a less busy area to perform the agreed act, however when they are finished he drives her back to the same spot where he picked her up, so she can continue to work and walk the track.

by big-booty-white-girl-in no-ho April 3, 2016

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Walk of Shame

The walk of shame is most commonly used when you have just had sex with a partner and are in their clothes or the clothes from the night before in order to leave the place that you just had sex and get to another

Mercy: Hey you enjoying that walk of shame?

Daniella: i woke up late so i just packed my clothes and ran across campus so im not in the mood and for your information im walking the walk of shame with PRIDE!

by DO.Chicken May 23, 2017

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Pyjama Walk

Verb. A pyjama walk is when one takes a walk of the local area in one's pyjamas; usually in the early hours of the morning, after a party with friends or if one cannot sleep.
Pyjama walks are often cold and wet, and can be undertaken with a small group of friends.

Guy: I can't sleep. I think I'll take a Pyjama Walk.

Party Guest 1: I'm bored, and it's like 5AM...
Party Guest 2: It's light out, let's go for a Pyjama Walk!

by papplemanger November 1, 2009

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