Source Code

Happy Wheels

A fun game but a little bit gory as your body parts can come off. It's fun to play with friends as well.

sophie: Maia is soooo good at happy wheels!
lisa: Yeah and she has completed every level in it! WOW

by WolvesREpic July 7, 2013

26๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

flight wheel

An incredibly time consuming game involving the passing of a wheel (via flight) from person to person. People often get locked into games of flight wheel for the bulk of their day.

I wasted the whole day playing flight wheel and didn't get a chance to moisten my fence.

by greg frayne April 3, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

doom on wheels

Describes something really horrible, or impending doom.

"That final is going to be doom on wheels!"

"Ack, I know!"

by sumnox June 12, 2005

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Sixth Wheel

When you are not included in group chats and dirt by your friends. You are not included because your friends think that you are too innocent. You are basically the angel child, when you want to be a little ratchet.

Damn, I don't know why my friends won't tell my the tea I hate being sixth wheel

by diamond_OG April 12, 2016

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Niddar wheel

noun, countable
a situation in which no matter how hard you try to push your brain to the limit, you cannot solve any situation because you run around in circles and get nowhere like a hamster

1) The damn Korean boy is forever spinning his Niddar wheels.
2) A defeatist response to Korea's miserable history makes him spin his Niddar wheel at a furious speed.

by Abajian October 13, 2005

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Wagon Wheeled

Sticking flowers up someones butthole while spoon-feeding them grits and screaming "Hunker Down!"

I wagon wheeled the fuck out of his gooch last night.

by Darrell Roberts September 19, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

biscuit wheels


Riding the gravy train on biscuit wheels

by SEAN K January 31, 2014