When your white friend glows in pictures with the slightest of flash
Person 1: “You have white boy glow.”
Person 2: “What the hell? No I don’t.”
Person 1: “You literally look like an angel descending from the heavens”
Involves kissing ass to people in power that can propel them up the social or corporate ladder. How white boys kiss ass for means of personal gain. White boys usually use this method leap frog each other and help each other out.
“Hey Bob was in the brought the manager muffins and coffee and was in his office for two hours!”….“You know that’s Bob white boy politicking for the promotion”
“Jamal has been white boy politicking with the supervisors at this work party the entire night, he didn’t even say what’s up to us smh”
Somebody that gets too drunk and does something retarded.
Have you heard about the tragedy of White Boy Owen (YBO), that shits goin in the history books.
Signature white guy dance move. Typically used when dancing with a member of the opposite sex. As the partner moves close to a guy on the dancefloor he will tend to squat very low, with his groin somewhere in the region of her mid-thigh to kneecaps, and grind in her direction. It is appears to be highly uncomfortable and inefficient.
I tried to twerk this rump on his junk but he was "white boy squatting" and I wasn't trying to get that low in these heels. Way too much stress on the thighs.
Someone that ask for sex right away in a relationship usually it's that Guy named Austin
Hey yo you know that duDE Austin?
Yeah he's that desperate white boi eh?
a term to describe the act of pursuing a white male. usually acted upon by women of color (but could be anyone willing to date a white boy). could also be written as WBW.
“hey, are you ready for white boy winter?”
“im definitely ready for white boy winter”
“ #WBW”
A term used when mostly white (not race specific just facts) teenaged boys/ girls or adults message a girl/boy and utter the phrase "what would you do if i was there."
Person1: im just chillin eating cereal
Person2: what would you do id i was there with you?
Person1: id eat my cereal dont white-boy me