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No. 4

To Wank or masturbate in the toilet.

"Dude are you doing a No. 4 in there?"
" Yeah to Samantha "

by Superior22 September 8, 2011

4 ever

there is no forever

nothing is 4 ever

by FedeLorenz May 27, 2022

shart 4 u

the (not so) hit song that won so many grammys and emmies (no it didn’t)

“have you heard that song, shart 4 u by lila chopp?”

by bitch not u November 24, 2021

4 sumthingg

if you not frm da hood den yu don’t kno what that mean 👎🏾😐

Yu 4 sumthingg😍

by Sumthingggbabydraco January 21, 2022


It’s the name of a group chat my friends and I have. It’s very epic :D deez nuts

Lol just text me on the Ü RATS 4 LIFE Ü group chat

by Idekbcyourmomisgat August 3, 2021

4 am

A notification on my phone that its time for bed and to quit talking to "him"

'phone alarm rings'
me: shit i gotta go its 4 am
him: awe ok good night
me: good night
me: 'cries'

by qwerty.b November 12, 2019

4 am

The perfect time for a sandwich. Used commonly when a person is not tired, or cannot figure out a fucking alarm clock and have to wake up early. It is often caused by watching random videos and staying up on social media

I am writing this at 4 am with a sandwich in my hand

by swamphed February 26, 2021