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Fish often stands for (Fuck It Shit Happens) but can also mean a floppy person that most of the time goes by the name of emron who is a fish

Emron:"oh shit I accidentally fucked ur girlfriend!".


by Anonymous123youwillneverknow March 10, 2017


Fish (/fiSH): A derogatory slang for a homosexual male, typically used in the Caribbeans.

Example: "That Lil Nas X dude is a fish"
"Get this fish away from me", the tired Sean Hannity exclaimed

by InternetSlangMerriam March 8, 2022


A flaming homosexual

Justin Beiber is a fish

by Eric Hernandez February 24, 2015


A fish is a beautiful creature with magical powers. DO NOT EAT THEM, THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE!

"You're not a fish, you're a human! Are you blind?"

by Fishfishfishesfish July 15, 2018


Niggas in my butthole

Want some fish?

by Free Pricington November 29, 2019


A guy who calls himself “Fish” online has huge balls and can beat VSC with his eyes closed.

“Hey, Fish, is your cube sex?”

Fish: “my cube is sex.”

by Isaac Curtan November 16, 2021


Slippery creature. Gollum is crazy about it.

"What are you eating?"
"It's better raw, buddy. Fish, anyway."

by July 11 2003 November 23, 2021