Fish often stands for (Fuck It Shit Happens) but can also mean a floppy person that most of the time goes by the name of emron who is a fish
Emron:"oh shit I accidentally fucked ur girlfriend!".
Fish (/fiSH): A derogatory slang for a homosexual male, typically used in the Caribbeans.
Example: "That Lil Nas X dude is a fish"
"Get this fish away from me", the tired Sean Hannity exclaimed
A fish is a beautiful creature with magical powers. DO NOT EAT THEM, THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO DIE!
"You're not a fish, you're a human! Are you blind?"
A guy who calls himself “Fish” online has huge balls and can beat VSC with his eyes closed.
“Hey, Fish, is your cube sex?”
Fish: “my cube is sex.”
Slippery creature. Gollum is crazy about it.
"What are you eating?"
"It's better raw, buddy. Fish, anyway."