Term used to express dissatisfaction of a groups or individuals motivation and encouragement of managerial force to motivate groups or individuals to show more urgency, detail, or quality in there work.
Once your in the meeting can you "Stick the wind up them" so that they understand the task is urgent.
Exotic or Za za rolled up in a Backwood or ones Paper of choice , A Fatass blunt that makes you smell like a skunk farted and shit on ya.
I am about roll up a big dookie stick
The dollar store ban hammer for broke people.
Oh Forvik, we need to ban this guy but we’re broke! Billager #237, hand me the ban stick!
Something you use to smack a ball or baller around while playing a "sports" game. Drug dealers often employ a stick to pedal their drugs. A stick is a person someone uses as an extension of themselves to interact with people and remain anonymous. You may be texting a drug dealer you have never met before thinking they are the person you know who will actually hand the drugs off to you. This is often done to create a break in the electronic trail of evidence for authorities to follow.
I saw a baller on the video cameras at my club and used a stick to smack him over to the strippers next door
Aussie slang for $25 worth of weed. Ideally 1.5 grams.
"Made a new best mate last night. Cunt does the fattest sticks".
A slang term for the country or nonurban areas.
Your internet is dog shit what do you live in the Sticks?