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Tepelux moment

Used to describe an action that a weird polish person called Tepelux would do

- Did you see the news yesterday?
- Yeah that was an absolute Tepelux moment.

by Beenus Weenus June 7, 2022

Robi moment

Refers to ROBSKABOB's unmatched misogyny.

"Damn, you beat your wife? That's a Robi moment!"

by SirWalkBoy April 18, 2022

Colin moment

When someone does or says something so astronomically stupid, it makes everyone around them question their mental state

Person 1: Did you hear about that guy who put his headset mic so far down his throat that he threw up?
Person 2: Yeah that was some of the most idiotic shit I’ve ever seen.
Person 1: Colin moment!

by PogRider7 April 22, 2022

Major Frick Moment

When you frick up really bad, a big oof, a major frick up, a bad time.

Max this is a major frick moment bro beans!

by Brotato Brawler May 5, 2019

Waffle Moment

When you feel the need to bully and make fun of other. Extreme dick to other people.

I feel the need to do a Waffle Moment to the person on discord

by September 7, 2021

Zaid Shahid Moment

When you try to make a good rebuttle to someone's roast but you end up sounding gay as fuck because all you do is play Fortnite all day

"I wasn't trying to be funny" (gay voice)

"Haha that's a Zaid Shahid Moment"

by Zmoney0812 April 26, 2024

ok moment

ok moment means dat nobody gives a fuck

Girl: "i wanna break up"
Boy: "ok moment nigga"

by zlbq July 25, 2022