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Poop Deli

A deli that serves poop as a topping, usually in half and full pounds

walks in poop deli

customer: hey how we doing, lemme get a plain bagel, toasted, scooped. and lemme get a โ€ฆโ€ฆ half pound of poop and capers
ock: light on poop today

by Afedbd January 7, 2024

Dripping Poop

Dripping Poop ๐Ÿ’ฉ Can Be Used In Many Ways It's The Result Of Taco Bell For Dinner Or Your Sick ๐Ÿ˜… Commonly If You Sit Down On The Toilet ,\ Bathroom Hole With Water Too Long The seat Will Have Dripping Poop On It Don't Make This in Your Underwear Be Aware Dripping Poop Is Mistaken For a Delicate Tree Called "Chocolate" Or Poop Like Yummy Stuff

Hey Last Night I Had Taco Bell Now I Have Dripping Poop Saw Rebecca Drink Dripping Poop
My Dripping Poop Is Everywhere Because I'm Sick ๐Ÿ˜…

by HeySheMadeThatDefintion April 25, 2022

Kelli Poop

any time a poop rushes up on you and you have to clench your cheeks and pray you make it to the toilet.

Oh f*** I gotta go its a kelli poop!!

by pseudonym003 August 4, 2020

Poop Janet

That feeling when yo balls fall of

โ€œOof I have a poop Janet.โ€ โ€œWe need to get a a divorce David.โ€

by David1987:) January 9, 2022

pee on poop

peeing on poop is a way to hate on poop while in the bathroom, you poop first then pee on top of it so the poop can die.

aimee is peeing on poop rn its so loud! shes gonna come out the bathroom and tell EVERYONE

pee on poop always and forever

by aimzies August 2, 2021

poop bitch

someone who plays the game ball drop on their phone

someone who plays ball drop - hey
anyone else - your a poop bitch

by antipoopbitch69 September 26, 2021

poop bitch

someone who plays ball drop (the game app)

some who plays ball drop - hey
anyone else - your a poop bitch

by antipoopbitch69 September 26, 2021