A highly sarcastic phrase and obvious oxymoron, employed in hilarious mockery of the compulsively overcompensating, preposterously petite, inherently effeminate and doubtlessly delusional mental (and physical) midget universally loathed as the manlet. Additionally it represents the perfect example of peak manlet cope. Inflicted with catastrophic levels of manletism, brimming with manlet rage and having for decades nurtured the ironically colossal Napoleon complex that is ever-present inside of his pea-brained skull, the low IQ manlet is amusingly unable to see the biting satire implicit in the devastatingly depreciating description of himself as a Short King. Because it went over his tiny, little head. Ignorance is bliss. And so the silly manlet, moronically mesmerized by his manletism-induced delusions of grandeur, fails to realize that the whole world is backhandedly calling him a manlet all the time, until it finally dawns on him that Short King and manlet are synonymous and that there is no such thing as a Short King.
Manmore 1: Lol, why is that desperate and diminutive little manlet boy laboriously dragging around that stolen garden gnome over there? Manmore 2: It must be dwarven date night. Apparently the Short King has finally found his Prince Charming. Manmore 1: Hahahahaha!
How one would describe OdaBlock.
Oda is only 2 feet tall and has the EGO of a feet dangling body builder. He is a Short King.
a man named fil who’s a short king
oh just to let you know i’m a short king
Short king is the definition of zac rudd, a below average in height male who goes around acting like he’s tall but he’s not.
Bro who’s that short king?
What short king? That’s zac rudd bro the only short king around.
(boy) “what are your thoughts on SHORT KINGS”
(girl) “are you talking about jacob?”
(boy) “no”
Are you like a foot shorter than Joe Rogan!? Ha! Hahaha! You are a fat-cock! Don't do the thing now. Don't bang grimes. You're ruining everything.
Hym "The Short King is a liar. He loves negativity (which is why he's here). You didn't read that shit in an article either. Andrew Huberman told you about it on your podcast."