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Butter Tits

When everything about her is perfect but her tits are awful

Clive: The ass on that babe, butter tits ... awful

by The Milk Man Cometh July 9, 2024

butter tits

when you pour hot melted popcorn butter on your lady's tits.

woman: "what the hell? wrf did you just burn me?"
man: "f yeah I just made me some butter tits"

by summer_ass_cheese August 12, 2022

stick butter

A stick of butter

"Yo, you want tub butter or stick butter?"

by Pillarworms November 6, 2018

Muddy Butter

It is the resulting solution when the lube and fecal residue mixes during anal.

Dude this girl and I tried anal last night. She didn’t rinse before hand, I used so much lube and we ended up with muddy butter everywhere!

by CalamityJen November 9, 2019

Buttered Cracker

A white person with waves

Buttered Cracker-Joe wave cheeeeckkk

by domthemotherfucking donkey March 22, 2019

Butter Pussy

When you put a stick of butter up a pussy for lube. Typically the pussy will warm the butter if you stick it up far enough and the butter will melt, lubing up the pussy from the inside out and it sort of resembled a Piss-gasm liquid when it oozes out. At this point you would stick the dick inside after fucking you can finish with a blow job and your partner will experience a barrage of magnificent flavors that result from a cum-butter mix. see def. Cum-Butter.

Gf - Hey babe were out of lube you wanna use spit?
Bf - Nah lets just use some butter
Gf - But the butter pussy method had me in the hospital last time.
Bf - fuck it.

by pussy butters June 22, 2021

Peanut butter passout

This is when you eat too much peanut butter too quickly without a beverage, and it coats your throat so much that you can't breath and you pass out.

I told him that peanut butter passout was the breathing version was of an ice cream headache. He thought I was making this shit up!

by Ohio driver January 26, 2017