When the lights are off while going down on a lady. Later finding out you were licking her asshole the whole time .
I was hanging with Becky and went down town . She said kiss me in the dark . So I did , can’t get the taste out of my mouth now .
When you are taking a dump, poo, duke, you know… a shit and a big one plops down into the toilet bowl causing a splash. When this splash of water reaches up and tickles the balls and kisses the taint is called a Poseidon’s Kiss. Just a gift from the god of the sea to wish you luck on your next adventure.
While using the airport bathroom and squeezing out a massive duke, he was blessed with a tender Poseidon’s Kiss.
When you drop the kids off at the pool and dookie water splashes up on your sphincter
Bro 1: Bro I just took a fat shit!
Bro 2: Bro how fat?
Bro 1: Bro I got a major Poseidon’s Kiss.
Bro 2: No bueno bro…
When two people pull their buttcheeks apart and touch assholes
Wanna get crazy and give me a fresh septic kiss?
When solid output into the toilet is ongoing, you flush while still seated to "clear things up." The toilet clogs (unbeknownst to you!); the water rises up and kisses your ______.
"Honey, you just took a shower...why are you in there again?"
"Oh my GOD! I got Septic Kissed!"