"BOX LUNCH" is a term used for a man giving oral sex to a female, hence the word BOX, meaning vagina, pussy, va-jay-jay, beaver, twat, cunt, kitty and LUNCH, well I think we all know the meaning of lunch. In case you don't know, lunch is the meal eaten around noon, and it is the meal between breakfast and dinner.
Jim said he gave Barbie one hell of a BOX LUNCH, and now they had worked up an appetite so they were going to grab a burger.
a insturment that the notes is made out of metal and the drum contains metal plucks called Pins to make the song of the music box itself
Ambience: Sankyo Music Box Plays "Rock-a-bye Baby"
Man: I Hear A Tune?
Woman: Whispering Oh Thats My 8 Month Old's ":Music Box (Insturment):" Playing
Man: defined Oh Uh Egh Okay
when someone gets high of of bug spray
were about to go bug boxed our tent
a drotive box is an odd shaped green box that automatically opens in a unique way when a small button is pressed
that drotive box opens quite uniquely
The mouth, named because of its teeth, fangs or whatever.
"Stop rattling your bone-box", is telling a berk to lay off the threats or bragging.