Bob, otherwise known as B-O-B (stands for Big-Outlandish-Beast). He says he's from Colombia, from the city of the pure colomombian happinnes from the Walter White's drug empire there, but if you've actually met him, you would known that the statement about him being Colombian, is as fake as the analysis you wrote down for GCSE English Literature. He is often mistaken for Bob the Builder, but not because of his construction abilities (because he literally has a desk with less life support than Stephen Hawking on his last day), he is confused for Bob the Builder for his ability to talk to women enchantingly. He is a person that likes to play Genshin Impact and imagine himself flying with anime girls, or catch all the Pokemon so he can do what Markiplier told him to do. B-O-B is the name of a guy who is on the academic comeback, much like ENCE against Team Liquid in 2019.
"When are you going to start studying?"
"Next month, I'm making a B-O-B comeback trust."
When a man with the biggest head in the west attempts to insert it into a womans vagina and having it violently rip open while his parents watch.
I saw the Craziest video last night Owen gave Simran the dirty O-dog last night
Time to smoke a nice fat bowl of weed.
B: Hey, do you know what time it is?
Me: 7:30?
When you strike an opponent while playing a video game
I'm Gonna B O P him....... B O P... B O P... B O P
There are many diffirent types of Ole-Os, the best one is the norwegian Ole-O who is a youtuber. He makes great videos.
But there is also the swedish Ole-O, the spotify Ole-O, and Ole O Moen. All of these are fake Ole-Os.
Wow that was a great video.
Yes it was an Ole-O video they are very good.
To fuck an onion ring. Which is highly illegal. Don't fuck an onion ring.
Man, I need to fuck the o tonight!!
Wtf dude. You need to go to jail for wanting to fuck an onion ring.
Damn, that's messed up.
I don't want to do it.
Or a reaction to something bad that has happened.
Katrina : I wrecked my car today.
Liz: That's a dang-o-lang.