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2006. that is all.

Hawthorne Heights = Emo

by XxEmoxX August 13, 2013


to my knowledge, emo equals idiot, nuff said.

u suk emo, look at this fuckin hipster

by makisupaliceman August 3, 2009


Usually a little dwarf child that listens to my chemical romance on repeat that wears all black clothes and is mentally unstable/ you

Your an emo

by Gh0st.n.Ghouls December 10, 2021


Something that I am turning into ever since I started listening to My Chemical Romance

Ew an emo fag

by Emo fag:) April 29, 2021


A boy or a girl, mostly teenagers who is going threw depression. They do self harming such as slit their wrists. They often get bullied because people think their weird. Emos stay together with other emos. Some of them are lesbians, gender fluid, gay, bisexual or even trans. Not all emos are like that but some of them are. Emos wear chockers, piercing,tattoos (?), bangs, and depressing clothes. Not many emos get out of depression and become normal but most of them just do suicide. Some people are even afraid if they hang out with emos they will become emo too.

Person 1: Where is that emo kid?

Person 2: idk why he didn't attend school this week.
Person 3: heh he probably did suicide.

by Donuts2524 March 25, 2017


A person who dresses in all black. They are also probably gay af

That person is so Emo, man.
I know, right?

by Rattatoullie man July 26, 2022


1: A made up music genre. 2: A music genre that sucks(sorry emos its horrible music. And I like emos but there isn't one great band). 3: A subcoulture with guys and hot girls. They are so misunderstood.

The music sucks but the emos are cool

by sage thunder April 14, 2010