Fish means a retarded dumbass who doesn't know what to do with their life.
Act like this is an example for Fish
A distrustful person engaged in sabotage
Neebs is the fish.
Neebs is acting totally fish
1:What's a fish?
2: Idk man all I know is that it's mighty fine in my sushi.
A newly created acronym replacing the common term "YOLO", it stands for "Fuck It, Shit Happens". Most commonly used as an excuse/motivator when one is about to perform a reckless action.
"Hey man, I don't think snorting that crushed up mint is a good idea"
"Yeah probably not, but FISH"
"You're right!"
Guy 1:Hey dude you just spilled your drink all of that chicks lap!
Guy 2: FISH!