you feel like straight shit, or you are just sick as hell
"girl I'm feeling like c pop yoke these days"
"me too bruh"
When you have sex with a girl on her period and she gives you head
My girl was on her period so I gave her a refreshing kook aid pop
To boogie or dance and usually jump enthusiastically around whilst listening to J-Pop or Japanese pop music.
Usually includes the dancer singing what little of the Japanese lyrics they know along with the song, and inevitably singing the English the artist includes as it's the only part they honestly understand.
Though J-Popping is mostly done by Japanese fangirls (though who love everything Japanese, purely because it's Japanese), it is also done by anyone with a passion for happy, energetic music.
"She's really J-Popping, huh?"
"*Whilst bouncing around* Atsuiiii ki mocho...uh... C'est la vie!! CEST LA VIE!"
A bitch that goes to Chelmsford High School that is so ugly she deserves to get run over by a train.
Yooo look at Sabrina that hoe a T-pop.
Pops: What is up niggas? HAHAHAHAHAH
Benson: WTF POPS!?
Muscle Man: Alright Pops says the n word!
The most delicious way to die.
Nobody saw her after she ate Pop Rocks with soda
The act of a professional wrestling promotion bringing in a wrestler who formerly worked for Extreme Championship Wrestling (which was based in Philadelphia) to get a cheer from the crowd while in Philly.
Ring of Honor brought in Stevie Richards for the Philly pop