A person so advanced on the art of E-whoring that he is called a god. Has everything set up automatically and makes shit tons of money without moving an inch, usually associated with a massive reputation in the community. Traffic, no-fail accounts, and SE are what he is known for.
LQ RETARD: Bro have u heard of that guy in 2015D.
LQ RETARD 2: Yea bro he is amazing, a total E-whore god.
“Hey, did you see Casey in that telegram group today? She was sending so many messages.”
“Yeah dude, Casey is a total tele god!”
Not black, white, brown, tan, yellow, purple, blue
I am not white- I am Gods color
sara misemer
day of the week where you ptso and have w rizz
“Yo Rizz God Wednesday is tomorrow”
A day of the week where the ctk heads rizz up for the tiktok!
Damn, its rizz god wednesday? Riz somebody up the gang
GOD IS COMING SOON , please turn to Our Heavenly Father . He sent His only Son to die on the Cross for OUR sins