It means that "T series" is trash.
How to use the word?
spam it on FlareTV
Spam it on T trash videos
spam it on live streams
shout it out in public
T trash is 1mil behind pewds.
subscribe to Pewdiepie not T Trash
Sub to pewds
here is the link to his channel:
a lying ass bitch. someone who can’t tell two sides of the story.
“you’re being so annoying and dramatic, you’re such a c*t!”
a lying ass bitch. someone who can’t tell two sides of the story.
“you’re being so annoying and dramatic, you’re such a c*t!”
A Sexy man with the biggest penis you will ever see. has no problem getting bitches. and is super fucking attractive
chases with a last name starting with t will most likely have a girlfriend everytime you see them. the only reason people break up with a chase is because they feel to overwelmed by his sexiness.
Sarah: Chase T is the sexiest man alive
Lisa: I know right
a man 5ft tall and 5 ft wide, the build of a chode who lurks around play parks at night, sniffing the slide, the swings and benches for the scent of the young to satisfy his needs ever since he was caught.
yo bro i was out last night and i saw a big t burrows lurking around the local playpark, he almost saw me..