green fn is when you shoot your shot on a girl and do it perfectly.
ay girl are u 5 cuz u in ur prime
teehee wanna go out later
sure green fn
Green fn (green fucking n**ga). In NBA 2K, a green shot is one where you nail the timing and release so that it has a high probability of going in. So green fn means that you shoot your shot on a person and they don’t reject you, meaning you’re a green fn.
Tyrone: Im gonna shoot my shot on the fine ahh girl bruh.
Bob: Tell me how it goes!
5 mins later
Tyrone: Yoo bro i got her number
short for green fuck nigga - comes from 2k players who call a shot "green" if it's gonna go in
person 1: wtf are you doing in my house
person 2: thought it was heaven, cuz you're an angel
person 2: green fn
(I dunno if this is right 😭)
Most people might think it means “Green Fortnite”, but it actually means “Green, Fuck Nigga”. The phrase is often used by NBA2K players after they hit a cool shot, and get that green flash. It is also used when someone used a very cool pick-up line.
Girl: “Sorry, but I’m into girls”
Guy: “Yeah, so am I, so just date me already.”
“green fn”
Green fn stands for green fuck nigga that's used to refer to someone who is particularly suave or cool. In its original use case, the term was fairly specific to the world of basketball. That's because the term originated from NBA 2K.
*shoots three pointer*
Npc:Green Fn!
green fn is a slang term used for someone good at basketball, or can be used racially towards a nigga, standing for Green Fuck Nigga.
Nigga: (playing basketball)
Guy: Green FN!!!
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