When you bring your lap top into the bathroom with you as you take a gallient poop. You wipe it and type it!
I have to take a giant dump but really need to post a new status about my cat...I will just Wipe n' Type!
When a lad or sick bitch sees another lad or sick bitch and ask each other "what's..doin n that..? Bruvah..!
Sick bitch Renèe was walking to the Crown and run's into Sick bitch's Elysia and Brodie, Sick bitch Renèe says to her fellow sickbitxhes Elysia and Brodie "what's ..doin n that ..?bitches
When someone, typically a telemarketer, keeps calling and asking the same questions over and over again, thus becoming a pain in your ass. Pronounced like: Colonoscopy.
Hey, Dave. I appreciate that you're trying to cell me a new phone line, but you're really just giving me a call-n-askopy.
Having sex with someone and never calling them back. Synonymous with fuck and chuck.
See that girl over there? I'm gonna give her the old poke 'n wave.
People part of generation N/A are people who refuse to give themself a lae based on their generation and be given certain personality traits, they just want to be born, but not be in a generation.
Ophelia: "When were you born, Mr. Isaiah?"
Mr. Isaiah: "2001"
Ophelia: "Ooo, a Gen Z kid!"
Mr. Isaiah: "I'm not Gen Z, I'm Gen N/A, I decided not to give myself a lable and a personality based on the year I was born in."
Ophelia: "Alright then! Nice to meet you, Mr. Isaiah."
When you take you bitches arms behind her while fucking her then right as your about to cum, you pull out, flip her over, get on top, and eat out will she takes the load of cum.
As me and your mom cuckold in front of your dad, I tried to Lock N' Drop her.