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Super Massive Black Hole Time Flux

An absurd occurrence when a single party hires or coerced two separate outside parties of private investigators to tail eachother.

Holy shit it's a super massive black hole time flux caused by those two guys following each other!!!

by P.I amacher March 24, 2011

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you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground

Figure of meaning that someone doesn't know what they're doing.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

by Jayrod64* November 25, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground

"You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground." Illustrate with a pen and paper drawing a circle and a cracked circle. Now ask which is your ass and which is the hole in the ground. Subject points to cracked circle and you mock while pointing to their real derriere.

After listening to untruthful gibberish, you say to person, "you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground."

by 13Ronbets May 5, 2016

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

guys who stick their penises in other guy's butt holes

Exactly what it says

Some douchebag: are you and that other guy gay?
Me: No, we're just guys who stick their penises in other guy's butt holes, huge difference
Some douchebag: I see no difference
Me: It's cuz we say NO HOMO so that makes it straight. Then we go back to fucking girls right in the pussy

by jacob256 November 6, 2014

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She's going to get her ass hole eaten out!

A phrase that you offten want to scream out the theater, whenever the dumb bitch gets caught by the killer or monster in any Horror Film. You can also yell this while watching a porno. However it is not recomended

*Movie* (Dumb blonde skanky bitch runs into killer)

Guy Watching film : "Holy fucking titty licking tacos! She's going to get her ass hole eaten out!!"

by McWaterMellon and DixieDoosch August 13, 2009

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Digging her Fuck hole with my tongue shovel

eating a girl out

Last night i went out to a party and met a girl that came back to my apartment. Before we had sex we decided to foreplay so i was Digging her Fuck hole with my tongue shovel.

by Dr. Amanda Love March 10, 2009

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Dropping the Duke boys off at the swimming hole

Taking a smelly,country style dump

I was dropping the Duke boys off at the swimming hole and they splashed me.

by Frank Lee Usuck III March 16, 2019