Synonym for a woman's private area.
Look at how tight Kathy's leisure pants are. You can see her meat bagel through them! Jeff's mom's titties
The delicious fluffy interior of the bread beneath the crust.
Dont get me wrong sharon, i like the crust, but the bread meat is far superior.
Very long labias on women’s vulvas. People with “outie” coochies where their inner lips protrude past their outer lips. Also known as meat flaps or roast beef.
“Do you have an innie or outie?”
“An outie, I have such a meat girdle”
Discussing meat and or food.
Mainly jack in the box.
Feeling like a squid and or squidward tentacles
Dude I had some squid meat for dinner and now my stomach feels like shit
A meat job is a person that is one of 4 things: a nerd, a loner, a retard or an idiot.
“Julius is such a meat job, he's been trying to push open that pull door for a solid minute”
One who gargles the Tube steak!
Those guys are a couple of Meat Garglers!
Another word for penis and testicles.
I’m horny today, maybe I’ll go get some guy meat.