The banned Book of Pi, chapter 3, verse 14, where the prophet wrote: “I have seen and experienced all beautiful, irrational, imaginary, metamathematical, transcendental, and sacred things about the number π under the sun; all of them are man-made and meaningless, a chasing after the next mathematical shiny object.”
Does Pi 3:14 sound like a mathematical equivalent of Ecclesiastes 1:14, where King Solomon with all his wisdom and wealth concluded that all is vanity?
4👍 15👎
always lets me rant
ALWAYS speed dances!!
super super sweet!
i love char <3 /p
A beautiful women who will make your heart beat faster and faster. Riley is someone you can count on whenever you need it. She is a women who will love you for who you are and not for who you were. She will always remind you of how much she loves you everyday. Riley is a women who I would put my life on hold for. A Riley is usually a size 8.5 ring. She always looks beautiful with any color hair. She will show you honesty and true love.
when your bored in school and literally type everything on the keyboard except capitals
`~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qweèéêëēėęrtyÿuûüùúūiîïíīįìoôöòóœøōõp{}\|aàáâäæãåāsßśšdfghjklł;:’”zžźżxcçćčvbnñńm,<.>/? is my favourite word
The 3 eyed dildo is very expensive if you spent all your money on donating to Belle Delphine's OnlyFans spending almost £40 just to look at naked gamer girl pictures.
Leah: Hey girrrrl, you heard about that 3 Eyed Dildo? I might ask my boyfriend to get me one or i can just take his phone and use his card so he think's he lost his phone and it went under the bed. Well who cares if it's the same as every dildo at least I can show off!
the three aspects of a girl by which she should be measured:
dave: what would you rate her?
ahmed : she scores very highly on all the 3 pillars of pervianity