Emo's despite being short for emotional, we tend to come off quite blank. BUT with the right people, they can seem quite hyper and happy.
We are misunderstood. stop judging. We are happy.
We also like to make self deprecating jokes
I am Emo, some of my favourite emo bands are Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance. I like to wear dark colours sometimes.
"emo" is most commonly thought of as little 14 year olds in all black, black hair, black everything. Often they will cut but most importantly consider themselves emos as they listen to fake metal bands such as:
Pierce the veil
Black veil brides
Of Mice & Men
the list of bands in such "fake poser metal" is near endless and spans from Fall Out Boy style pop rock to Sleeping With Whiners appalling take on metalcore. Emo is used as a half derogatory half label to those who listen to shit; much in a similar fashion to that as the word "nigger".
Originally from the 90s who were offspring of the punk tree, the word was used to describe bands who's lyrical were whilst being hardcore with a punk tint overlapping them. As people denied this tree of punk any right to be called emo and began to focus the word on the above description, emocore as such faded out. However in 2010, a revival began, spearheaded no longer by bands such as I Hate Myself and SDRE but bands such as TWIABP and Everyone Everywhere (bands with essentially the longest most obscure names possible) who's style is defined as lyrically soft often with high treble guitars yet still retaining the original screamo segments or rough quality.
I'll Get back to you later
If I knew, I'd Tell you
Deer Leap
Everyone Everywhere
Empire! Empire!
with more screamo leaders including:
Pianos Become the Teeth
"Dude, I'm pretty emo myself, I listen to Of Mice and Men..."
"nah dude you're just a fag"
"Holy crap, Things In progression of reactivity, that's a long band name. Better get my black jeans, Topshelf Records shirt, band flag and a semi-acoustic and start up an atmospheric emo indie alt band".
"Wow his skramz style is brutal"
"yeah dude, someone said he lost his entire voice for six months after that gig"
"sick, lets shred dude"
Emo. "Emotional" "Emotive" Or whatever you want to call it, is a genre of music which started in the early 80's (Yes 80's) with first wave and new wave.
Now it is a genre of music which incorporates sounds from punk, goth rock, pop rock, first wave, new wave, and even grunge rock. All music is emotional but this is the only type of music with its own genre called "emo" And like in most music genres a cult following backs it, creating a "scene" of people. The "Emo Scene" incorporates the dark clothes of goth with a new wave hairstyle with punk accessories.
The "Emokids" all don't act the same, they don't all dress the same, they don't all mope and cry about their lives. Only the posers do that. Same with the whole cutting part, its not cool. Razor blades may be a fun thing to cut.. Like.. Paper and stuff with, but not yourself. So, please, don't cut yourself.
"OH! Life is so hard!" -Cuts- "I'm so emo and sensitive"
-Some dude walks by.-
"You have issues." -Kicks-
"I know, black is my heart, AH! FUCK THIS LIFE."
"You wouldn't kill yourself, even if your whole family died, stop being an attention whore."
Every definition is either INSULTING OR SARCASTIC.
It is an entire society and culture where people actually show their feelings, or try to express them through a creative way, such as music or art. NOT ALL EMOS CUT or self mutilate.
Usually, it is described by
-the clothing
Most common would be tight but comfortable, casual clothing. SKINNY JEANS, BAND TEES, SWEATERS, CONVERSE or VANS are the most typical.
-the "messy hair" look
It doesn't necessarily have to be a mullet, it can be the choppy hairstyle, a short haircut, or just long and a little teased/messy. It can be any color.
-the music
most typical would be the rock, metal, screamo, hard rock, and alternative rock genres.
ALTHOUGH(!!!) Emo is not defined, doesn't have a prototype, or a specific look/behavior. You are simply you!
You DON'T HAVE to look like this or be like this to be emo. You might be classified or labeled as emo even if you aren't, simply because you fit into the category.
THIS isn't just a stereotype. There is no reason for it to be mocked.
Emo comes from the word emotional, that you are who you are and you might be sad or happy, therefore you express it. Emotional DOES NOT mean MOODY or COMPLAINING.
Person 1: "Oh so you're emo. You must complain a lot because your life sucks."
Person 2: "Just because I dress a certain way doesn't mean I'm pessimistic. Learn your definitions right before judging negatively, you illiterate jerk."
An emotion person, sometimes describes as emotionally depressed. NOT a music genre.
"Look at her, she's so sad ALL the time!"
"Yeah I know man, she's such an emo."
1)Middle-class teenagers who only want attention from their parents or their peers who have enough grease in their hair to fry enough bacon for the 10 trillion people in this world. They wear a lot of black and their greasy hair is always covering their face. Most emo kids cut themselves......most of the time for attention, as previously stated....because mommy and daddy "just don't understand".
2)Emo sumed up is goth with no balls(maybe if emos didn't wear castratingly tight jeans they could grow the balls to realize they are being completely ridiculous and that nobody cares.)
3)Posers with bad taste in music.
Jon: have you seen what that freshmen did to himself?
Sally: who the little emo kid? Yeah I saw.
Jon: poser.