Fresh In the State House. Prison term to describe new prisoner/inmate but also to describe new employees.
The inmate called the correctional officer “FISH!”
Fish is another way of calling someone a fool or unkowledgable. The degree of fish a person is is represented by the type of fish (ie. Rock bass)
Have you met michael? Omg ya he's such a fish
Slang term used to refer to a woman`s reproductive organ. Particularly, the smell.
Yo that bitches' fish was amazing!!
1. (n.) A creature with fins and a tail that lives in water
2. (n., slang) Slang for penis
1. "That fish swims so fast!"
2. "Do you want to see my fish?"
An animal that swims in water.
An utter disgusting smell coming from a girls coochie. Only simpletons would say it smells like metal.
Damn you caught a 7.5 pound fish at Hickory Pond today thats 2 pounds more than my record.
Ewww Cece's coochie smells like fish no wonder why shes always so stanky
A chubby kid that likes two football teams one from where he lives and one that is winning at the moment