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Mia effect

the "Mia effect" (MEEE-ahhhh afffff-ict): when you develop feelings for all your debate partners

Jon hooked up with Sarah right after debating with her; I blame the Mia effect.

by debatebeefer March 13, 2020


When someone is temporarily squinty eyed from smoking too much pot. Leading to said person resembling James Franco.

Damn Quincy, you smokin too loud, you got that Franco-effect

by Brozco August 7, 2015


The feeling of rejuvenation that comes with a hair-cut or shave, coined from the myth associated with a phoenix ability to combust and raise from its ashes.

To feel the phoenix-effect after shaving.

by jumbluto April 11, 2012

The Fallout effect

Listening to a song over and over so much you start to love it

Jerry: You know Jackson's listening to Ella Fitzgerald now?
Johnny: That's The Fallout effect for ya

by brody barfalotski August 5, 2020

Wang Effect

The Wang Effect occurs when being in close proximity with a member of the Wang Clan. Mutated radio rays radiate off the person and into your brain. Everybody in the same room as this person becomes noticeably dumber. People on the same planet as this person will also experience severe depression and migraines. The Wang Effect is recognized as a class 6 chemical weapon by 146 countries and is banned by the Geneva convention.

Please notify the police immediately if you experience the Wang Effect as a dangerous member of the Wang clan may be nearby.

by @therealjonathan February 6, 2020

The Cringe Effect

The cringe effect is caused by the overuse of the word “cringe” to the point where the user becomes “cringey” themselves.

Person 1: “Bro thats so cringey!!!”
Person 2: “Im afraid your friend has succumbed to the cringe effect, its too late for him.”

by The_Real_Bern February 19, 2024

The Ariana Effect

When an Ariana takes a shitty situation and makes you feel so stupid about it that you feel better and get over it.

My girlfriend is emotionally manipulating me so I called Ariana and I am so over it, the ariana effect baby!!

by AKSlaySlay May 27, 2022

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