- extremely in your feels usually over a person or experience , it can be happy or sad, usually excessively happy
- speechless; very much feeling emotional
"wow the thought of you holding my hand made me so emo!"
Someone who wears two belts instead of one, who quotes emo songs in their statuses, and who straightens their hair and wears guyliner.
God that Donovan kid is so emo.
First of all, we're not those people who say: Okay i'm gonna do this to look cool. We're the type of people who do this for a real meaning. To express emotional pain and depression. I know this because i'm emo myself, as i've used first person pronouns. Second, don't associate us with skaters, goths, and scenes. My girlfriend is a scene and I know the difference. Anyways, we like darker colors. Black, red, purple, whatever. You may think our style of music is crazy, but it really isn't. We're not loners. Emos have friends too. We're not forever alone. We get dates too. So quit hating on us. Okay? Okay. We don't cut for sympathy. We cut for a reason. Same as why we're even emo.
Emo: My life sucks *Cut*
ok ya emo is a type of music that is usually refered to as screamo... but the word emo has a different meaning..... to be emo means to cut ur self.... its not always on ur wrist... it could be anywhere on your body. if you think som1 is emo... talk to them DONT judge them.... usually somthing is going on and they have no one to talk to... so they cut... some cut because its a pain that they can see, feel, and control unlike the pain they r prolly feeling inside.
emo people will occasionally wear tight pants, black, scarfs ect. but not all. bottom line: DONT BE STERIOTIPICAL
Girl 1: hi... i noticed ur scars and how u always seemed depressed... do u wanna talk about it
Girl 2: no(she starts crying)
Girl 1: r u sure... c'mon... cutting is bad for you... its not going to solve anything... u need to talk to som1... u can start by talking to me
Girl 2: ok... ill tell u....
and she goes on with her story and girl 1 finnaly understands that all this emo girl needs is a friend
It stands for emotional. That's it. Nothing else.
Emo Girl: *starts crying in the corner for unknown reason*
Some Random Douchebag: Why are those emos always crying?
Random Douchebag's Friend: Do you not know it stands for emotional?