The last forty minutes to an hour of the effects of marijuana, which at the point is meant to be soothing and wear off it paranoid and overly stimulated feeling.
Yo man, the music sounds the best during the residue effect
When it's a joke or a pun and you miss the main punch line but catch it later and it hits you in the back of the head at a random time
Ohhhh I just got that joke from earlier
Sorry my minds like a boomerang effect lately
Whenever a boomer does something that turns out to backfire completely.
My old boss felt the boomerang effect good the other day. He voted to remove immigrants from the country, but now there are none to wash his house.
Tam’s effect is when you’re talking to Tam and you feel full of love and every feeling thats’s beautiful is the world.
I’m in Tam’s effect
Tams’s effect comes when you talk to her,She makes you feel full of love and full of everything beautiful in the world.
I’m in Tam’s effect
The act of ejaculating while wearing hip or chest waders. See also wader effect
After experiencing supreme wader effect, the poor guy had to sponge out the inside front of his chest waders, he wished he’d been in in hip waders and would have let it dry on the outside as a trophy
When something mediocre or just dumb, often a trend, art piece, or artist gets, publicity from the conservatives just for being controversial. Like Robert Mapplethorpe's 'art'.
That sloppy, lite porn art of his will only become famous if the mapplethorpe effect kicks in.