It’s da day when Huggi and Mikal are gonna get married
Guy1: What’s the date today?
Guy2: It’s December 15
Guy1: Woah, today they are gonna get married
December 15 is the date when someone really happy is getting martied!
Guy1: Woah its december 15 are someone getting married?
Guy2: Yeah! They will be so happy
soraxxhub (on tiktoks) BIRTHDAY!!!
sharkie: hey its december 15!!
random guy: what ??
The day where everybody should give the bithday girl hugs and presents
It's december 15 and my birthday so you should give me hugs and presents
National ask your crush out day you have to say yes
Don’t be scared you WIMP..remember December 15
December 15 is the day where you will have to send whatever pics the person who sent you this wants you to send
A: ayo you know what day it is?
B: wednesday?
A: well yes, but also December 15
B: fine, i’ll send you whatever you want
National grow day on this day tristan gets tall and Brooke would literally date him on the spot
Brooke-it’s December 15 Yk what that means
Tristan- oh Yeahh I gotta grow