The hottest person u can find in the 1800s
His smirk is so FBFDNDNDNDJ
Albert James moriarty is a whole daddy material
Taylor is the kind of guy that is attractive to men and loves men too
Taylor albert is a gay boy.
Returned to working out at the gym too hard and too soon after surgery.
My boyfriend pulled an Alberts and burst his appendix. Now we can't have sex for a month.
Albert's beans is an amazing product published by MrFlimFlam (aka Flamingo or Albert) as a joke sponsor for the Roblox talk show "Denis Nightly", hosted by DenisDaily.
"We got some great stuff tonight, but first a word from our sponsor: ALBERT'S BEANS!!!" - DenisDaily
A classic college booze party game to play with your friends. it is very simple, get somebody to take off their pants, bend over, and spread their butthole. Cook a scrambled egg and place the scrambled goodness in the butthole. The person with the scrambled egg in the butthole will proceed to eject the most amount of scrambled eggs from their butthole in 2 minutes without using hands. After 2 minutes have passed and the eggs have been ejected. The next person will go. After every person participated has played. The person who got the most scrambled eggs out of their butthole in under 2 minutes wins.
Chad: Yo looks like Terrence wins this round of Albert Einstein in a mug.
Terrence: It burns please help, I need an ambulance.
acrimonious: bitter/angry
Albert: who is named albert?
someone that sucks all the good energy from the room like a vampire and makes everyone bitter like them
the vampire of a person: *walks into the room*
all of us: “can you stop being a acrimonious Albert”
vampire: *dies on stop because they can’t be in a good mood for one second*
Very sexy and makes lots of children with all people.
Colin Albert just impregnated me