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• person-- one whom is extremely unstable and turbulent (do not mess with them chelseas in mad forms can piss everyone off), often causing messes; have incredibly horrible taste in lovers, but decent tastes in music. They also constantly struggle with moving on from trauma or people, and are quite sensitive being
• place -- that thing in england (chesea boots)
• thing-- person in it form
• adjective form: describing the person or thing of chelsea
• verb form: chelsea in action -- chelsing, chelsied

Chelsea in adjective: "bro thats so chelsea"
lol im too lazy to make more:

by coffeechugger.58 December 26, 2024


This person has a very European name. Heard mainly in the United Kingdom and France when it comes to Europe. And all across America with different spellings. This person tends to be emotional in some form or another. Caring as well as hot tempered. If you know a Chelsea cherish them, because they tend to be some amazing people once you receive their trust.

Chelsea is an amazing actress. I would love to ask Chelsea to the prom. I wouldn’t lie to Chelsea she hates that.

by Crème brûlé 04 August 23, 2023


Chelsea is sexy really, gullible, down to earth but she can be really annoying and very competitive

Hey Chelsea, how’s your day

by Chelsea’s bitch July 21, 2022


Chelsea is a silly girl who will always make you laugh
she can be a lil fiesty but she's still the best and she's my POOKIE BEAR

She's hella lazy tho and has a dog who looks like a cow, she's obsessed with among us and always wants reyes to buy her one

"Hey, is that Chelsea ?"
"Hell yeah it is"
"I'm gonna buy her an among us"

by reyes2shiesty November 22, 2021


Chelsea is a Chel in the sea. She is good at piano and and laughs

Chelsea, wow

by StudioAlly August 23, 2022


When you want to take a card out of a deck

"It is my turn. I chelsea a card."

by nzrinn October 28, 2020


When you want to take a cark out of a deck

"Its my turn. I chelsea a card."

by nzrinn October 28, 2020