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Talking to Walls

an amazing and really not too hard to do activity
A) Find a person that doesnt care too much about what you think or say

or, the easiest of the 2

B) Walk up to a wall, quite cautiously in fact, because some walls are very paranoid, politly introduce yourself and being talking to it as if it were listening to you, as we all know that walls are not sentient beings, as opposed to the mattress*, who we all know are poached in the swamplands of Sqornshellous Zeta, dried out and sold to sleep on.

(*everything about the mattress is accredited by Douglas Adams)

A) Talking to her is like talking to a wall

B) If you get bored, try talking to walls

by moose face...cakes May 12, 2006

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Latino Wall

(noun). a barrier, family, or large group of latinos that makes it difficult to move to another destination when walking in a mall or any other public area

Austin and Ryan were walking through the mall to get to the food court when they suddenly ran into a latino wall blocking their path.

by ShiBaBa December 28, 2011

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Wall Slammed

When you bone a girl so hard she ends up slammed up against the wall. Also referred to as 'Wall Slamming'.

"I hear Pete went down the whorehouse on Friday and wall slammed one of those biatches. MAN they love it when he does that."

by stevilness June 1, 2009

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cunt wall

A person who is a cunt and also has no purpose in life, like a wall.

Dude Laura is such a cunt wall!!!

by christine b October 27, 2007

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hang it on the wall

Said when about to shake hands, but instead the hand is pulled up & away with the thumb pointed backwards while saying the phrase. Meant to be a joke, but creates mass confusion and an awkward situation instead.

Andy: β€œI sure am glad to meet you” (reaches out for handshake)
Roger: (quickly pulls hand away) β€œHang it on the wall”

by Otis the Drunk May 24, 2019

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wall spam

wall spam are advertisements that are posted on a persons facebook wall.

wall spam example:

hey, %friendname%
did you know you can get the billboard top 100 in ringtones from...

by rickster1 March 4, 2008

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Wall Street

Wall Street can only be explained in 3 words Money,Cocaine and sex

The example is that Wall Street is the fucking shit

by Mike Stevan’s October 13, 2017

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