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Absolute Capital

Absolute Capital - Slang compound word referring to high amounts of wealth usually owned by a person or a company, that often used to describe the amount of money someone is generating off of an action or product.

Jack's making absolute capital off of making homemade RPGs and selling them to children.

by NiggyNiggyMyNigga April 28, 2020

absolutely wallpapered

Absolutely wallpapered is when you have drank so much alcohol and smoked so much weed that you are absolutely wallpapered and can’t even get up to go for a wee

“I need a piss mate but I’m absolutely wallpapered that I can’t be arsed going for a wee

by Stayout February 27, 2019

Absolute Mucus

The weird temperature at which your mucus freezes in your nose and feels weird.

Yeah dude it was so cold this morning that I think it would hit about absolute mucus. It was very uncomfortable.

Student: What is the exact temperature of Absolute mucus
Teacher: It varies depending on many factors including but not limited to, the amount of mucus in nose, size of nose, and amount of hair in nose.

by TheGuyWhoDefinesThingsSOmetime August 26, 2018


The word you only know existed because of Sonic 06.

A release from guilt, obligation or punishment.

Coz every night I will save your life.
And every night I will be with you.
Coz every night I still lay awake in my dream,
of an Absolution.
Coz every night I will make it right.
And every night I will come to you.
But every night it just stays the same in my dream,
of an Absolution.

by FBI_WeegeeBoy1243 November 19, 2021


Absolution: When you giving it to your wife from behind but you suddenly have the urge to take a big shit and your son comes right on time to swap you and you keep hearing your wife's moans as you lay down the biggest turd of the history of turds

Man 1 : I am so happy I have a family now, used absolution yesterday. Great way to bond more with your son
Man 2: I know its those small things that matter.

by geoxd657 April 13, 2018

Absolutely Jacked


Broghan is absolutely jacked as absolutely jacked is Broghan.

by Steenmachine December 25, 2021

absolute cinema

Term used to describe peak fiction or 'summat.

I don't know what the hell kids are saying these days, I'm old man.

"Hey did you see the latest game?"

"Aw yeah bru my brudda bruv cuz brother man, that was absolute cinema."

by Raedellion February 19, 2025

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