The Bean is also know as Coffee, It is easily addictive and you can drink it more then 3 or 5 times a day. Some people cannot handle the bean and there for loose there minds all over the place.
Oh Man Im so addicted to the bean i might loose my mind.
I hit the bean four or five times a day.
Im fiending for the bean.
A person addicted to their electronic tablet (iPad, Galaxy Tablet, Kindle Fire, etc.). This person can often be seen with a tablet pressed up to their face as they walk around. They often smash into people or objects, only to apologize and continue walking with the tablet pressed up to their face.
Guy1: Did you just see Laura?!
Guy2: No, what happened?
Guy1: She just smashed into that guy with her tablet and kept walking like nothing happened!
Guy2: That figures, she's such a tablet addict.
Someone who is addicted to the endorphins they get from pumping iron.
He cant go a day without the weights because he craves it like a iron addict
Common term for gamers who uncontrollably loot all obtainable stuff in a game, seen in genres like RPG and MMORPG.
Most of the time this loot-addiction is a bad habit which sometimes makes both singleplayer and multiplayer games unplayable due the fact of being overencumbered.
(Player 2 shot down an enemy)
Player 1:"Nice shot, let's go to the hiding spot again."
Player 2:"Wait, first I need to loot him, I can use this, and that.. Oh his fancy roller skates I can use too."
(Enemies are approaching)
Player 1:"We're running out of time, quick get back in the hiding spot!"
Player 2:"Wait.. I'm overencumbered."
Player 1:"God****!! Crazy Loot-Addict!!"
A person who loves Quarantine, and never wants Life to go back to normal/ as it was pre-March 2020
John: Hey Andrew, have you seen our Country is finally re-opening!
Andrew: What!? No!? I loved Quarantine, I never want it to end!
John: Oh Andrew, I didn't know you were a Lockdown Addict
One who watches a certain video on youtube and then spends hours wathcing what pops up in the suggestion box on the right side after each video he/she clicks on.
Jim: I was watching a youtube poop video and the suggestion box on the right kept displaying other awesome videos i just couldnt resist.
bob: you need to go to rehab i think you might have suggestion addict.
The constant involvement with dramatic people by allowing them to open up and getting involved in their bullshit
She listens to all of their problems with such a drama addiction!