It is a sex position where the female throws the males legs over his head and holds them down, then starts flossing the males ass hairs with her teeth while tongue punching his fart box.
Rileigh let Layla do the Arizona Special on him last night.
It is a sex position where the female throws the males legs over his head and starts combing his ass hairs with her teeth while tongue punching his fart box.
John got the Arizona Special from Jill last night.
A sexual act that is performed when one partner crushes a jalapeno in their closed fist, and then inserts that fist into the anus of the other partner while exclaiming, "AT LEAST IT'S A DRY HEAT!"
I gave Barry The Arizona GutPunch a couple of days ago and he says his ass is still burning!
A large sturdy Mule typically seen in the desert area of Arizona
I rode an Arizona Moose to the base of the Grand Canyon
Using a flamethrower with intent to kill
My friend hates spiders, so they gave one an Arizona squirt gun to turn it to ash.
A drink that a lot of people love probably only cause it’s 99 cents or they just love tea like I do. Also a Drink that will always be cheap and tastes good asf everyday.
Omg Arizona tea is the best cheap drink everrrrrrrrrr
The greatest thing on this wretched earth
Person A: Arizona Tea sucks bro why would you drink that?
Person B: *starts beating him to the ground*