When there’s to many bagels to sell so they’re given out for free and everyone gets bagel fever
Farmer: I wouldn’t go to Bagel Town son, the have the bagel fever because of the Bagel Boom
When you take two halves of a bagel, put one side over a girls asshole and the other over her vagina, then proceed to eat through the bagel and eat her out. Optionally, you could eat her out through the hole of the bagel if you don't want to eat the bagel half.
Bruh I tried to make a cunt bagel out of Becky but she didn't want anything but a dick near her cunt.
Toast made using the "bagel" setting on a toaster, such that one side of the bread is toasted and the other side is not.
I like making my sandwiches with bageled toast, so the inside is soft but the outside is crunchy.
A predominantly Southern Minnesotan term, used around the twin cities suburban area. Meaning the same as "Suck my dick" or other similar phrases.
Andy: I definitely cheated off of your test answers man
Noah: Go suck a bagel, Andy
a toasted sesame bagel with sliced pickles inside
“hey can i get an ariel bagel?”
“what?! are you sure?”
“yeah man, don’t knock it till u try it. it’s actually really good”
Who was the hot, fit guy Meghan was chatting with last night? That is Doug, not her type, he loves rainbow bagels
A person who is rather plain, typical, or boring. A person who doesn't exactly have any special qualities to them. For Example: a barely to non-existing personality.
"You're always the same mate; dark clothes, always acting tough, you're just a plain Bagel Head man."