Also known as window flitting. When you log into and/or frequently visit a select group of websites quickly and repeatedly in the same window. Often coincides with lollergagging.
NOTE: Does not refer to simply surfing the net.
"I can totally see her logging in and out of gmail and facebook - she must be window bopping."
When you're getting head from a chick and it's so sloppy that it sounds like someone stirring mayonnaise into macaroni.
Yo, this girl gave me some fantastic dome, last night. She didn't hold back. Straight Mayo Bop.
Code name for the Marijuanas
Dealer: whatchu need
"Give me some of that bop lettuce"
Dealer: I got you bro
verb. To travel with exuberance
noun. A silly person
verb. Boutta go doodly bop over to the dining hall.
noun. Feeling like a doodly bop, gonna eat spaghetti toast.
To scooty bop is to beat up another individual in a bathroom while scatting, in disguse and manages to put the victims mouth on the air hand dryer.
Chip scooty bopped the hell out of that guy.