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baby bug

Baby bug: A strange affliction that causes people to want to have children.

Also a favorite phrase of family members when a woman says she doesn't want children.

"Oh don't worry, you'll be bitten by the baby bug soon!"

by StrangeThing October 28, 2018

Thirst Bug

An invisible bug that bites unsuspecting sex-deprived males, causing the victim to become "thirsty". The longer the male has been sex- deprived, the more severe his symptoms will be. The bite will cause the male to:

1) Be willing to have sex with undesirable, even hideous or fat, women (The greater the thirst, the lower the standards)

3) make creepy advances toward women that are out of his league
3) Lack the ability to flirt with women that are in his league
3) Become oblivious to clear signs of rejection from any woman

The only cure for this tragic condition is for the male to have sex with an attractive female. If you see a male that is starting to exhibit any of these symptoms, find him an acceptable bitch immediately!! Before he suffers from severe thirst!

Garret: "Lamar why the hell would you fuck that weak bitch? She's a zero!!"
Lamar: "I couldn't resist man, I was bitten by the thirst bug"

"Man i really shouldn't fuck this girl, she's the biggest slut on campus... ahhh shit i've been bitten by the thirst bug!!"

by Lebron Flocka James April 12, 2014

Horn Bug

A slang term for a person who is always horny

Brandon is such a horn bug, he asked me to fuck many times

by RippTheSheets January 4, 2012

street bug


1. a prostitute; a slut; one who sleeps with many

2. a scalper; drug dealer; one who prowls the street late at night

3. a very big bug you find on the street.

"Man, I saw that street bug every night. She must be making mad money to be staying on that corner."

"And why exactly are you out that late at night on that side of town...?

by lithiumkisses March 19, 2011

Sausage Bug

The nicest girl you'll EVER meet. She is beautiful, talented, and athletic. She's also a straight A student, so if you need help with homework, just go to any sausage bug! Sausage Bug dates all the guys, but don't get her confused with a hoe. She is anything but a HOE! All the other girls try to hate her, but simply can't because she is so nice!

Person 1: "That girl is pretty, nice, talented, sporty, AND smart! What's her name?"
Person 2: "I don't know, but judging by the way you described her, her name must be Sausage Bug!"

by dancinggirl5678 January 5, 2018

bug in the buns

Bug in the buns is an expression used to say there is a problem. When there is a bug in the plastic bag of hamburger or hotdog buns, it is never pleasant. This phrase can be used to say there is an issue or it can be used to say something is out of place.

Me: Uh oh, we have a bug in the buns.

Jen: What’s wrong?
Me: The microphone for the talent show isn’t working!

by coolgard January 27, 2021

Harrington bugs

Small bugs that swarm and cover your windows, cars and houses on summer evenings. They are the Houdinis at breaking into your house and blackening out your ceilings with the shear number of them.

Has anyone else got a plague of Harrington bugs at their house tonight?

by The Online Entomologist January 19, 2023