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Cold Stone

An ice cream place that is taking over small towns everywhere. It's the equivalent of starbucks. The lines are so long it takes about half an hour to get something. It's ridiculously expensive and the employees sing obnoxious songs when you tip them. It's sooo yuppie.

I'm so bored... lets go to Cold Stone.

Dressed Like THIS! I have to go whore up first, everyone I know will be there!

by Ice Cream Affecianado June 17, 2005

64๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold x

Put it in the back seat.

COLD X - put it in the back seat - COLD X

by Fuxn Yea October 3, 2003

34๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold sore

A type of facial sore that's found either on the lips or on the skin near the mouth. Caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, not the HSV2, which is typically known as genital herpes.

"hey, i have a fever blister!"
"you have a what?"
"a cold sore, it's the same thing. i need some Abreva."
"oh, you card!"

by kevinfromfloridainamericaland August 20, 2005

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cold lampin'

chilling, relaxing

i aint doin nothin but cold lampin'

by Anonymous September 29, 2002

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cold boot

A way of restarting one's computer without going to the command restart; used in "emergency" situations (e.g. Blue Screen of Death)

To Cold Boot a computer one must:
On Windows:ctrl+alt+delete
On Mac Os: ctrl+apple+start-up key
Also can be achieved by turning the computer on and off again

by Rob Sessler December 4, 2003

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Cold Farting

When you lay on a flat surface in a certain way, usually face and chest are touching the ground and you butt is in the air while your legs shift your waist up the air, and open your rectum then air swooshes. You then close your anus the proceed to fart.

CIRE: Stop COLD FARTING, it's gross...

MEDA: No! This is the best!

by CallMeInfinite March 3, 2014

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cold faithful

Blowing your visibly-steaming load outside in the winter-time, like when you get your cock sucked on a ski-lift.

Something that everyone should try.

by Da Man July 16, 2004

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