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getting comboed

being evan

evans getting comboed

by evans getting comboed October 22, 2020


When you're playing a sweating game of Skywars, a mini-game on the Minecraft server Hypixel in version 1.8.9 and manage to hit someone twice in the spawn of a single attack and get a combo.

Oh, take that, WOMBO-COMBO, haha GG.

by Pabawo April 20, 2021

Wombo Combo

When you hit a bong hold in the smoke and then shotgun a beer at the same time. (Smoke must be exhaled after the shotgun is finished)

No way he’s gonna hit a wombo combo!”

by Ed’s james August 20, 2022

Wombo Combo


Joel can eat mah PINGUS WOMBO COMBO

by Iteachyourgrandmothertosuckegg January 16, 2019

Wombo Combo

When someone consumes codeine and alcohol at the same time.

"Yo, I just took a Wombo Combo!"

"wtf does that even mean?!?"

"I just took codeine, and drank a fuck ton of alcohol bro"

by Little_Dark_One September 24, 2021

Wombo Combo

When 3+ guys line up penis to anus in a consecutive train and then the first person nuts in the next person until it reaches the last person and it leads up to the ultimate nut at the end.

John don't get too excited or else we will ruin the wombo combo

by kirbykatie March 1, 2021

Wombo Combo

When one engages in sexual intercourse with a Vietnamese transvestite and rather than one and contracts all forms of STD

He got a wombo combo , that’s what he gets for having sex with a Vietnamese transvestite!

by Rowdyroddylayinthepiper January 20, 2021