The dynamics of a squad. How the squad uniquely reacts to things that is unlike other squads.
I can't rock BBC because my friends think it means BIG BLACK COCK due to my squad culture not knowing streetwear.
kuhl-cher-uhl em-breys-erz: People who have a passion for learning and adapting to other cultures’ traditions, embracing these cultures’ foods and folkways as they exist in their native regions.
Kemal and Aaliyah are true cultural embracers; they didn’t only seek out a West African restaurant to find the best fufu in town, but they learned to make it from reading The Art of Fufu book.
The ideology, in America holding that the Melanated people would advance culturally and genetically or even disappear totally within several generations of mixed breeding with Edomites.
Too avoid Cultural Cleansing Melanated people should not mate with Edomites.
If Melanated people continue to breed with Edomites They will inherit Pheomelanin and become extinct due to Cultural Cleansing.
Like popular culture, but for preps.
ie. Anything that is popular amongst preps.
Prepular Culture Example #1
Guy: So, who's your favourite musician?
Prep: OMG Lady Gaga <3<3
Prepular Culture Example #2
Guy: So, what's your favourite TV program?
Prep: OMG Skins <3<3
culture that celebrates being weak,hedonistic,kalyugi
i hate ashpalt culture
A weekend away with mates visiting pubs and clubs in the local city.
Similar to a stag weekend but nobody gets married
What’s the plan for Culture lash this year?
That was the best Culture lash for years..
Cultural Appropriation is the adaptation of customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society to another's in their own view or version.
This is a one of the phrase's no popular dictionary's will give an accurate definition on anymore in fear of being canceled and will often be changed every few months depending on the trend.
This word is a combination of appropriation, which is to set aside for one's own use or adaptation, and culture.
Cultural appropriation is a way for people around the world to create new versions of things we love such as new music, movies or clothing's.
This phrase is often used in place of Cultural Appreciation when individuals wanted to cancel others or divide society for their own agendas since , without knowledge of the real definition, cultural appropriation sounds more offensive than cultural appreciation. "How dare you appreciate my culture!" does not sound offensive and most people will enjoy, encourage, and feel loved by others appreciation their culture.
This is one of the words people like to add "often to a minority by a majority" to fit the trends of modern society.
Korean's display much Cultural Appropriation by using much of western's society's culture of media, clothing, tv series into their own adaptation to create K-pop, Karama's, etc and share it with the world. In return the world is very happy.