Source Code

curry bum

a term referring to a bum or socially akward Indian man

"look at this dude he's such a curry bum

"you curry ass bum

by mc_curry July 31, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A CURRY CUNT IS A PERSON THAT WORKS IN A SMELLY, HOT, CALL CENTER. LOCATED in India. CC's prey on seniors with Scams that steel money that they worked hard for. CURRY CUNTS are the lowest of the low...


by DoughBoy1 April 27, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Curry Hotpot

The art of performing oral sex on an indian woman while she is having her period.

Conversation talking about someone else.
Man 1: Im telling ya Rob is a sick fucker.
Man 2: Why is that?
Man 1: He gets off with Curry Hotpots.
Man 2: Thats wrong.............

by MAV50L June 10, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Curry Pussy

a middle eastern (usually Indian (Indians from India)) woman's vagina it is usually unshaven, crab infested, and SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST

also callled
curry puss

this word can also be used to describe a person's looks

meaning 1

man #1: Dude were you chillin with Abda last night.

man #2: Hail ya bro she is so fine I'm gonna try and get to home base with this one

man #1: ... That's fu%$^* disgusting you know that's curry pussy right

meaning 2

man #1: Holy crap you see that guy in the mini van next to us

man #2: With the beard goin on his face looked like a curry puss

by zetazac May 15, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Curry Taco

A person that has facial and skin features resembling a generic Indian and Mexican cross-breed.

Friend #1- "dude I thought you were a mexican."
Friend #2- "no bro he's definitely a Indian."
The Curry Taco- "I hate both of you I'm not Indian or a Mexican and for the record I'm Czechoslovakian."

by The Patty Mack August 14, 2012

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

curry bandit

noun- he comes by night. stealthy. steals leftover curry from conservative indian households and leaves his traditional mark, a vagina with 4 legs. he also has the tendency to wear tight fitted black hoodies, because they make him look cool. He wears his favorite "Hanes" underwear which are boxer/briefs for his comfort for the best curry stealing he can do. The ringleader of this clan has been seen in southern California namely the palos verdes peninsula area. The ultimate curry bandit is also known by many as sun-king.

The myths go as follows: he has no penis, he is frail and helpless, many have sworn to have heard him make moaning calls before he strikes. If you spot a curry bandit flee the scene immediately.

you can always tell if you see a curry bandit because he is of very dark complexion and will only eat with his right hand. watch out for his driving, he has been known to get into frequent accidents, but then again this might just be subject to the fact that he is an asian driver*.

*while this is a stereotype, its true, so deal with it.

Guy 1: Dood, the curry bandit hit my house up last night.
Guy 2: How do you know, did he leave his calling card?
Guy 1: Yeah, and he was wearing a tight black hoodie.
Guy 2: Does he think he is cool, or something?

by curry bandit victim September 13, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Curry Whore

A person who lives in India and acts in a creepy way online, especially towards white women

Hey saxy bby send bobs and vagena
Hop off curry whore!
Iโ€™m not from India I swear

by doo-dooButt August 11, 2018

8๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž