A name you give a skinny man who would have the same haircut as an emo if they weren’t blond. They have a crippling injury from a young age preventing them from there 100% chance of going pro. But this weakness makes them very trustworthy and a great friend, despite being a bit gay
Jack: Did you see that cripple in a wheelchair?
Declan: That’s definitely DB (Dani B)
means to put something on dani
“brooo im tired af on dani when i go home im gts”
A girl who is a mess aka daniellaperkins aesthetic
Lucy said “Oh she is such a danigirl not a VSCO girl”
Dani girl a girl who cleans her room at 2pm and hydro dips her airforce 1 just for YouTube content 😂💓
Lying on the couch for a few minutes and waking up well rested 10 hours later.
I was very tired at work today so I pulled a Dani.
Lying on the couch for a few minutes and waking up well rested 10 hours later.
I was very tired at work today so I pulled a Dani.
Jerking off thinking about your friend fainting while having a tattoo
Im not gonna lie... Before the ambulance arrived I was already daniing. It was a mess!